
#Six minutes English 3 - Is tourism harmful

Vocabulary 1. misbehaving- Definition: Doing bad or inappropriate things Ex:  I was always getting in  trouble  for misbehaving at  school . 2. crackdown- Definition: Taking action to restrict or stop certain activities Ex:  There has been a   series  of  government crackdowns  on   safety  in  factories . 3. I wouldn’t say that tourism is harmful. But it can be harmful. If the sites are crowded with people, it spoils the atmosphere and the beauty. I personally wouldn’t like that to happen. It makes me sick with all the crowd and the noise. I should be enjoying the beautiful view instead of seeing the people. So I think tourism could be harmful in some ways.

#Six minutes English 2- Work for free

Vocabulary: 1. social mobility Definition : the ability to move to a higher social status Ex: The bond between the generations was weaker and there was considerable inter-generational social mobility in both the countryside and the cities. 2. well-connected Definition: having strong links with important people at high levels within a company Ex: Assuredly a well-connected steady person would be of the greatest consequence to us. 3. I think a unpaid intership is unfair. A strong word for that would be slavery. I agree that the point of  working as a intern is to gain experience, instead of earning money. But if the company is not offering a fair salary, at least a small amount of cash would be nice. Another thing is that like they say in the video "too often internships are open to those with established connections in the professions and again that rules out those young people who don’t have the well-connected families or friends who can open those doors for them....

# My favorite sad song

1. Boys in space - drown 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etYse5kPC7Y&list=PLKTdItHpVwn1mQSYM8YS2oydOviGZNQ8j&index=16 3. The song is about a boy who is hurt real hard by a girl. It feels like he is drowning and his world burning. It's sending a message that he is dumped by the girl and she just let him rot. It's connected to the lyrics "You sunk my ship and now you let me drown." The reason I recommend this song is because I can deeply relate to the song. Since I was hurt by a friend once... I think it's very comforting to listen to it.

#Six minute English 1 - Why do people like sad music

1.circumstance :  Definition 1: A  fact  or  event  that makes a situation the  way it is. Ex : Obviously we can't  deal  with the  problem  until we  know   all the circumstances . Definition 2: Ev ents that change your life, over which you have no control. Ex :  We were obliged to go by force of circumstance . Definition 3: How much money someone has. Ex :  By now she was alone and living in reduced circumstances . 2.mammal: Definition : A  type of animal that drinks milk from its mother’s body when it is young. Ex :  Humans, dogs, elephants, and dolphins are all mammals , but birds, fish, and crocodiles are not. 3.comforting Definition : M aking  you feel less sad or worried. Ex :  Hot  soup  is very comforting on a  cold  winter's  day . 4.calm Definition : T o stop someone feeling upset, angry, or excited. Ex :  He tried to c...


My name is Bella. I’m 21 years old. I’m currently studying in NTUB. I like beautiful outfits and decorations. Also, I like to listen to music and watch movies in my free time.  Especially Korean tv series. Because the plots are exclusive and the actors are unique. I also like to watch renovation kind of video, because it motives me to watch something old becoming new again. Makes me want to do it myself. Being curious about everything is one of my biggest trait as well.